

LAPD Radio Codes

It had been three weeks since Sam Newman had been taken down. The review board had ruled Chris had made a good shoot and everybody had fully recovered from the take down - at least physically. The seismic shift in the FRU dynamics had been noticed by everyone, but it concerned
Anne Kramer the most; the police chief was bucking to split the unit after reports about the Newman case were made to him. For the two weeks they'd been back at work, Jake and Sofia had barely acknowledged each other and any interaction they had was subdued....No raging fights through the hallways, no arm-waving in the office and no countermanded orders to junior officers. In fact they were studiously ignoring each other. Kramer had left a message with both of them to meet her in her office at the end of their shift so she could get to the bottom of whatever was going on. She was patiently waiting for Sofia, watching Jake shift uncomfortably in the chair opposite hers - which was most unlike Jake. Finally, Sofia entered the bullpen and was immediately accosted by Greg. A brief conversation and exchange of a file and tape followed before she headed for Kramer's office.

Her stride was purposeful but her face was etched with concern. She ignored Kramer as she entered and rounded on Jake, "Who's Dani?"

Jake was confused for a moment, then he remembered the feisty redhead, "Nobody..."

Sofia let it drop with a small nod. She then opened the file Greg had handed her, "What about Nicky Bridges?"

"Put him away for armed robbery - it was a federal case. He's doing fifteen."

Sofia handed him the tape, "Greg got this off the machine this morning...he says it makes some specific threats."

"From Bridges? How would he know I was back in the force?"

"It's from home..."

Kramer knew 'home' could only be Jake and Sofia's former house in Malibu. She was aware that they'd never sold it and that Sofia had moved back in when she joined the FRU. What she couldn't quite work out is why Greg had been listening to the messages...Evidently, neither could Jake....

"Greg...got a message off of your machine this morning?"

"He hasn't found a place yet.."

Kramer then remembered that Greg was staying with his friend until he sorted out his own place....So now the question was why Sofia hadn't listened to her own messages, although Jake didn't ask. The purposeful look Sofia gave Jake suddenly set off alarm bells in their Captain's head - and she realised he didn't ask questions he knew the answer to.

"Jake? Make inquiries about Bridges," she held up a hand to stop his protests, "If he's in prison then he's probably just bored and decided to screw with you." Both detectives turned to leave, "Sofia? Will you stay a minute?"

Sofia closed her eyes and then turned back to her boss and nodded. Kramer waited until the door closed, "How long?"

Sofia gave a blank look, "What?"

Kramer repeated the question and Sofia realised she would have to give some kind of answer. She sighed and answered, "I met him about a week ago."

Kramer did a double take, "What?"

"You asked me how long I've been seeing Rafa....didn't you?"

That's not what she'd asked, and it raised more questions than it answered, "I wanted to talk to the two of you about you're working relationship - or lack of...I can't have my two senior detectives avoiding each other."

Sofia tilted her head and accepted that things hadn't been so good.

"Honestly, I'd rather have you screaming through the halls. I'm worried."

"We're fine, skipper...It's just...we're working through some things."

Kramer nodded, figuring it was their own business. It didn't seem to be affecting the unit's work so she would keep out of it - for now, "Go home."
Friday's shift started with a bang, well, several actually as Sofia stormed through LAPD, "Where the hell is he?!"

Chris looked up from his computer and saw Sofia ready to kill, "Who?"

"Don't protect him, Chris...." she warned as she leaned forward on his desk menacingly.

Chris raised his hands in mock self defense, "He was going to see Captain Kramer last time I saw him." He watched her turn on her heel and slam the door behind her. Seeing Greg, Chris followed Sofia and grabbed Greg by the elbow on his way, "This is gonna be a big one..."

Kramer's office was clearly visible, with glass walls separating it from the bullpen. Chris and Greg leant against one of the detective's desk and watched...

"What did you say to him?"

Jake and Kramer both looked up at Sofia as she burst into the office. Jake was spread out on the couch, surrounded by papers from their new case, while Kramer was sat at her desk, "I say a lot of things to a lot of people, Sofia....could you be a little more specific?" he replied calmly.

"Jake..." Kramer was sure Sofia had actually growled at him.

Putting down the statement he was reading, Jake looked back at his ex-wife, "I simply had a chat."

"He said you threatened him."

Kramer looked up sharply, "Who'd you threaten?"

Jake ignored her, "I just told him to be careful."

"What I do on my own time is none of your business."

"Then you should be a bit more discerning in your choice of men!" he snapped back.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Eight trips to LAPD, three felony cases, five misdemeanors...I don't think I actually know what criminal mischief is..." he read off a sheet of paper from his pocket.

"You ran him through the database." Sofia couldn't believe he'd do that.

"Yes I did."

"You gonna scare off every man I date?"

Jake stood up and got in Sofia's face, "Every single one."

Kramer left Sofia in her office and went after Jake, "You used departmental resources to dig up dirt on Sofia's boyfriend?"

Jake stopped, sighed and looked over his shoulder, "You'll have my resignation by the end of the day."
"Chris..you're running the new case."

"Wh-what?....What about Jake and Sofia?"

"They have other concerns....A reliable source has placed this woman," she pinned a picture up on the board, "Julie Auger, in the area. She's on warrants for fraud and conspiracy to home invasion."

"Any known associates?"

"It's all in the file. Get Clare and Greg to help you out....I'll be here if you need any help."

Chris was pumped to have his own case, but he was nervous, "Time to find Greg's coffee..."
"...And then Jake walked out and both of them have left the building."

Clare had a thoughtful look on her face. For two weeks her friends had been very awkward around each other, although a row in Kramer's office was strangely comforting.

"What do you think?" Greg asked as he took another swig of coffee.

"Huh?...Oh...Sofia started seeing a guy. I guess that pissed Jake off enough to snap him out of whatever funk the two of them were in."

"Is that coffee still hot?" Chris slumped into a chair across from Clare's desk.

Greg pushed off the desk he'd been perched on and got a cup, "Bad day?"

Chris tossed the file Kramer had given him on the desk. Clare picked it up and started reading, "Who's lead?"

"I am....Jake and Sofia have 'other concerns'." Chris replied, making a quote motion with his hands.

Greg and Clare shared a look, "Looks like we get to play cops and robbers...."
Saturday's shift was quieter, with Jake and Sofia now listed as on 'personal time' which one of the more senior detectives translated as 'packing'. Clare having had to testify on one of her other cases, it had fallen to Greg to run down the whereabouts of Auger's known associates. He'd come up with three possibilities.

"You put her mother as a known associate?"

"The top of the sheet says 'possible contacts'..." Greg defended himself.

"I vote for the old partner - cons can't resist a scam...she'll hook up with him and pull another job." Clare said as she put the paper down.

"I'll talk to some guys and see if they've got any cases with a similar MO." Chris made a note and then looked at the two scientists, "It's just us for now, Kramer said she'd give us some help when we get a lead."

"This 'reliable source' just gives us a place - short of staking it out - we've got nothing..."

Chris sighed, "Maybe we'll get lucky."
"Mrs Auger...I need to know if you've been in contact with you're daughter..."

"Not since the last time you thugs were after her." Mrs Auger raised an eyebrow at Chris and lit her cigarette.

"Why would she come back to LA?"

Mrs Auger shrugged, "I dunno..."

"And you have no idea where she could be?"

Mrs Auger gave him a pointed look - even if she did she wouldn't tell a cop.

"Thank you for your time, Mrs Auger."

"Yeah....You know where the door is..."
"So Mommy's not saying bupkis...big surprise."

"How'd you get on?" Chris asked through a mouthful of burger.

Clare rolled her eyes at his table manners, "Worse. At least you found someone to talk to. Couldn't find her old partner or the boyfriend."

"Credit cards came up empty," Greg piped up from the doorway, "Just got off the phone and apparently she maxed out on cash machines all over the city - she's definitely here."

"With a lot of cash." Clare pointed out.

Greg looked up, "What does that mean?"

He was answered with blank looks from his friends.
"So it's going nowhere?" Kramer asked, looking up from Chris' report.

Chris nodded, "We've gotta wait for her to make a move."

"Notify Fraud to keep an eye out for her MO and tag her credit cards."

"Already done." he replied with a sigh.

"You can't catch them all in a shift..."

"Barret and Curtis can."

Kramer watched the rookie walk out of her office and decided to take another look at the case...
"Hey Greg!"

Greg dumped his keys and followed the smell to the kitchen, "What's cookin'?"

Sofia watched as he slumped into a chair at the table and frowned, "What happened?"

"Ahh... You want to hear the tale of the one that got away..."

"Bad case." she said, knowingly.

Greg made a face, "Frustrating."

She handed him a beer, "Tell me about it..."
"Chris..." Jake was surprised when he opened the door to find his colleague.

"Hey boss."

"What are you doing here?"

"Thought I could buy you a beer." He held up a six pack and looked hopefully at his superior.

Jake stood aside, "Come in.."
Kramer was making a few calls to some friends. So far, only one had helped her with the case - and that was just to give her some advice.
"So you don't have any leads?" Jake asked as he took the case file from Chris.

"She's in the area..."
"...with a lot of cash."

"Which tells you what?"

Greg's fork stopped halfway to his mouth, "What?"

"Cash is untraceable...she's planning on staying in town for a while and she knows we'll be watching her cards."

"At the moment, all we're doing is chasing our tails following up on the ATMs..."

Realisation dawned on Greg and Sofia gave a proud grin, "Exactly."
"And her mom knows nothing?" Jake was reading Chris' report of the interview.

Downing the last of his beer, Chris shook his head, "I don't think she'd give me an honest answer either way."

Jake grinned, "Then I'll have to teach you to ask the right questions..."
Kramer had given up. It was time to go home and get some sleep - Chris would just have to get over this. Sometimes it just took longer....
"You sure we should be doing this? You're not on duty."

Jake rolled his eyes, "I'm always on duty....Besides, Mother Auger doesn't know anything, remember?"

"I'm not FBI." Chris pointed out what he thought was a major flaw in Jake's plan.

"So?" Jake replied as the door opened, "Mrs Auger?....I'm Special Agent Jake Barret, would you please sit down?" He didn't wait for an answer as he sat next to Chris.

"What do you want?" Mrs Auger was a little more wary of a well dressed fed.

"Just to talk." He smiled.

"I don't know where she is....."

"We're not here about your daughter....I'm after her old boyfriend - Andy - he's a person of interest to us. Do you have any idea where he could be?"

Chris was a little confused, the boyfriend didn't have any warrants or criminal record. Jake, however, was very persistent.

"I haven't seen him since they broke up....I can't help you Agent Barret." Mrs Auger stood to leave, "I have an appointment to get to, if you don't mind?" She asked as she practically bolted from the room.

"Not at all, Mrs Auger. Thank you very much for your time." Jake smiled and left the interview room. As he led Chris out of the FBI office, he threw a wink to the old academy friend that had let him use the federal building.

"What was that?" Chris asked. Jake just laughed as he put his sunglasses on and got in the car.
Greg had gone in early to see if he could trace the ATMs and find any commonalities or pinpoint a centre. He also got a tech to run through the ATM video looking for faces or vehicles. This left Sofia home alone. She had spent the morning sat on the deck looking out at the Pacific Ocean - not that she had married Jake for his money, but Malibu was definitely the place to stare at nothing. Clare found her friend curled up on one of the chairs and watched her for a while, trying to figure out what was really going on.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or were you planning to sit down at some point?" Sofia turned and raised an eyebrow.

Clare folded her arms and leaned back, "I was going to ask how you were....seems you're quite normal..."

"I'm fine."

"But you and Jake aren't."

"He was right."

"About what?" Clare sat in the chair next to Sofia and drew her knees up.

"That us getting back together was a bad idea."

Clare took that in and then stared confusedly at her companion, "You're back together?"

"For one night only." she replied sarcastically.

Things suddenly made sense to Clare - the sudden awkwardness wasn't out of character at all. They were in shock. "And now you don't know what to do about it."

Sofia made a frustrated noise and waved an arm, "I hate him."
"I hate her."

Reverend Bob Barret was stifling a smirk as he watched his son pout. He thought 'How's Sofia?' would have got him 'Fine' or a grunt at the least. In truth, he was very fond of the woman. She was the only person that had made his boy happy, and she was a nice girl. "Hate's a strong word, son...."

"It's the right one."

"Uh huh....You must feel very strongly then."

"Damn right I do!"

"...about Sofia." He stated, looking intently at his son.

Jake's mouth was moving but no words were coming out - he hated it when his dad backed him into a corner. How he felt about Sofia was what had gotten him into trouble in the first place. "It's not that simple, Dad. This isn't college."

"'Light fuse and run away' may work for a Roman candle...."


Reverend Barret raised a hand in defence, "If I had to guess, I would say that you two have realised that 'just friends' is not an option. You think leaving is going to make you happier? Or that it will make her happier?"

"I think it will be easier for both of us. We can't be around each other."

"How's that working out for you? I mean, it's what you did last time..." he shot back.

"You don't understand."

"Oh, I understand perfectly. You're running scared. You don't know how to fix this so you're gonna split." he goaded.

"I don't want to leave! I'm going to do it so Sofia doesn't have to. I'm going to be the one to take the fall."

Jake's father nodded and stayed silent for a moment, "To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall flat on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt."


"Madonna, actually....but the point is valid. You're trying to be a man but you're running the wrong way."

"You think I should throw myself at her feet?" Jake sounded distinctly unimpressed with that thought.

"No...but I hear you leap tall fences and tackle knife wielding felons for her."

Jake once again found himself lost for words. This time he just waited for his father's parting shot.

"Seek not happiness too greedily, and be not fearful of happiness."

Jake didn't understand his Dad's point, but at least he knew who'd said it, "Lao Tzu."

"Bless you."
"I've found a pattern."

Kramer looked up at Greg's head poking round her door. "Why are you telling me?"

"Because I can't find anyone else." Greg shrugged.

Kramer looked at him again and sighed, "Find Huggins."
Clare pushed off of the wall she had been leaning on and sat at the table. The FRU had convened in a local diner - after a meeting with the police chief, Jake figured it was probably not a good idea for him to go to the PD. The man himself was deep in conversation with Sofia, which at the moment involved a lot of arm waving and eye-rolling. Clare, Greg and Chris were at another table, waiting.

"They're almost inseparable. Sometimes it takes ten people to separate them." Clare mumbled to herself.


"Those two," Clare waved a finger at the detectives as she took a bite of her lunch, "Even when they agree they argue about it."

Chris laughed, "You should of heard them on the phone."

Anything else he was going to say was lost as Jake and Sofia came back to the table, "Right...What have we got?"

Greg started, as he had the most solid lead, "There's a truck that shows up in a lot of the ATM footage....No tags though. I did get a description of the guy she was with at a couple of the ATMs - from 7/11s nearby - could be the boyfriend."

Jake slapped the table and grinned at Chris, "What'd I tell you?"

"It only helps if patrol doesn't get bored..."

Sofia looked at Jake, then at Chris, then back to Jake, "You took him fishing?" she smiled as she nodded in Chris' direction.

"Courtesy of the FBI...You should have seen it, Old Mother Auger couldn't get out of there fast enough."

"You think it will flush her out?" Sofia asked seriously.

Jake shrugged, "It'll make the boyfriend a liability....being a 'person of interest' and all."

"Is he?" Greg asked.


"...but Julie Auger doesn't know that." Sofia finished,

"You put a patrol car on the mother?"

Jake nodded as he stuffed another pancake into his mouth, getting covered in syrup as he did so.

Sofia made a face as she watched Jake devour another pancake, "Run the boyfriend through the DMV...See if you can find a vehicle for him. Check in with patrol, too." She pulled at Jake's arm and led him out of the diner, amid protests about pancakes and promises of donuts.

"You can handle that, Chris...We've got another case to process." Clare pushed Greg out of the booth before the rookie detective realised he was being left with the bill...
"Why couldn't I finish my pancakes?"

"We need to talk."

"I am quite capable of talking and eating pancakes at the same time."

Sofia was getting impatient and Jake put his donut back in the box. They were sitting in a park, looking at the ocean - something they'd done ten years ago when Jake had handed over the divorce papers. "You were right."

Jake was caught between grinning at the fact he was right about something, and finding out what that something was. He settled for a rather non-committal, "Oh, really?"

"We need to have some ground rules," Sofia was still refusing to look at Jake, "This isn't going to work unless we settle this."

"I'm not a debt, Sofia."

'I'm paying though.' she thought. She was interrupted by her cellphone. After a brief conversation that Jake had no interest in following, she got up and motioned for Jake to get in the car. Jake looked at the box of donuts and sighed, "One day I'm going to finish a meal..."
Chris turned as Sofia got into the back of his car. They were opposite the workshop where Andy Mitchell worked as a mechanic. Chris had called Sofia when the patrol car following Julie Auger's mother told him about her trip, "Where's Barret?"

Sofia sighed, "Finishing a taco.."

"I thought you got him donuts."

"I did."

"Man, he never stops eating," Sofia waved her hand to tell him to hurry up and tell her what was going on, "The mother's here."

"Where's here?" Jake asked as he got into the front passenger seat.

"Andy Mitchell works in the auto workshop." Chris pointed out the building in question as the man appeared with their fugitive's mother.
"Andy.....It was the FBI....They're after you, honey."

"I haven't done anything."

"You're not a 'person of interest' because you filed your tax returns early." she snapped back.

"Natalie, stop worrying....They're just sniffin' around for Julie." Mitchell reassured the worried woman, "They'll get bored soon enough - just don't give them anything."
"Well, there goes that plan...." Sofia chuckled as they watched the two exchange a less-than-platonic kiss.

Chris groaned and lent back in his seat, "Back to square one..."
The next day, the official team gathered in the office - well aware that they hadn't been there at all the day before...Something that wasn't lost on Kramer.

"What are you up to?"

Chris looked up at his Captain, "Uhh....Nothing...."

Clare quickly stepped in, "Waiting to hear from patrol, we put a car on someone and we're waiting to hear from them..."

Kramer didn't look convinced, she narrowed her eyes at Chris, "Where's the dynamic duo?"

"Who?" he asked innocently.

"Chris....." Kramer warned.

"I haven't seen them since they left work two days ago..."

"You," she paused to point at all three, "are lying."

"Yes, we are." Clare replied.

Kramer stared them down and then threw her arms up in exasperation, shaking her head as she left, she said to no one in particular, "It's catching...."

Greg looked at the grinning Clare and visibly relieved Chris, "What was that?"

Clare checked her phone as it beeped, "Kramer's got the worst job in the department...." she frowned as she read the message she'd received, "Sofia says Jake is tailing Mitchell....That should be interesting."

"Why?" Greg and Chris asked in unison.

Clare grinned again, "Oh, come on, boys....Jake's got the attention span of a two year old."
Sofia had returned to work, catching up on paperwork and case reviews while they waited for a break in the Auger case. Jake was still out doing his Jim Rockford impression and she was actually impressed that he was still at it after four hours....That was until she received a telephone call from the rather irate desk sergeant downstairs. Making her way down to Booking, it didn't take long to find Jake - Sofia just followed the shouting.

"Sofia!....Get this idiot out of my sight!"

"I hope you're talking about the prisoner."

The sharp nod of the sergeant's head in Jake's direction indicated he was referring to the other idiot he was holding back - evidently, Jake had upset Mitchell and now the sarge was trying to keep them apart, "Don't just stand there!"

Sofia moved to help restrain Jake, saw the ridiculous grin on his face and muttered, "I'd prefer the prisoner....Come on, preacher....Let's go upstairs and calm down...."

"I want him charged!" Jake yelled as he lunged at the prisoner.

Sofia tackled him back against the wall and pinned him there, "Don't give him ideas, Jake...."

He stopped struggling and took a couple of deep breaths. Then he started laughing.

"What?" Sofia asked as she looked up.

Still laughing, Jake explained, "It's just been a long time since you had me up against a wall..."

Sofia got it instantly, but she didn't find it particularly funny, "You should be so lucky." She swatted him across the chest as she released her hold and stalked off.

Jake looked at the subdued prisoner and shrugged.
"He's my prisoner!"

Sofia rubbed the bridge of her nose. There was no way she was letting Jake interview Mitchell, but Jake was being his usual self, "I don't care. Chris and I are quite capable. Besides, you are still off-duty." She didn't add that it was only a matter of time before Kramer heard about what happened in Booking - even if the desk sergeant had agreed to keep it between them.

"You won't get anywhere with a rookie." Jake sulked as he sat down.

"Listen, Jake....You're lucky to still be in the force - let alone the building. We're walking a fine line as it is....You're sitting this one out."

"He's still my prisoner," Jake held up a hand when Sofia glared at him, "...so I'm going to be in the observation room."

"So....Andy.....You seen The Graduate, huh?" Sofia asked as she led Chris into the interview room where Andy Mitchell was already sitting.

"I don't know what you're talkin' bout."

"You were seen meeting Natalie Auger at your place of employment." Chris clarified.

"That means we saw you."


"Where is Julie Auger?"

"Don't know."

"You were arrested,"

"Wrongfully." Mitchell interrupted.

"...making an exchange at a mail box where you were found to have a large amount of money and correspondence addressed to a known alias of Julie Auger's."

Sofia leaned forward and whispered, "Now, tell me again how much you don't know where she is."

Mitchell shifted uncomfortably, "I just pick stuff up and drop it off - I ain't had nothin' to do with her."

"Don't believe you." Sofia said as she slid surveillance photos across the table and leaned back and stared at Mitchell.

"I haven't!"

"Do you know where she might be?"

Mitchell eyed Sofia and then answered Chris, "She's pulling another scam....advertising in a paper and getting people to send money," he ran a hand through his hair, "She's gonna blow in a couple of days - Carribean somewhere."
Sofia was searching the large CSI complex for her team, "Clare! Greg!"

"Where the Hell are they?"

Sofia jumped when Jake spoke, "Jake!" she hissed, "What are you doing down here?"

"Looking for you."

"No, you're not."

"No I'm not...I want to get this case over with."

"You're still on leave." Sofia rolled her eyes as he grinned, "Why should I think that would stop you?"

"I'm a dedicated member of law enforcement."

Sofia actually laughed, "Yeah...You love the chase and you know it."

Jake stopped walking and let Sofia carry on ahead of him, "Maybe I need to remember that."

Sofia turned around, "Huh?"

Shaking his head, Jake caught up and pointed to a lab, "There they are."

Clare and Greg looked up at the two detectives as they entered the lab. Sofia was carrying a large box of files and heaved it onto the table in the middle of the room. Jake sat down next to where Clare had been sitting as she rose to join Sofia.

"You break your arms, Barret?" the CSI asked as she moved past him.

Jake was confused, "She didn't ask..."

Clare smacked him across the back of the head, "She shouldn't have to."

Jake rubbed at his head and mouthed silently to Greg, "Women."

Greg chuckled to himself before turning to Sofia and asking the obvious, "What's in the box?"

"We need you to go through these papers - it's everything we found on the scam advert: from the newspaper, the mail box company and Mitchell."

Clare picked a random file, "What are we looking for?"

Jake stood up and moved to stand behind Sofia, "Anything. See if you can trace the scam and find some links between all this. Airports or flight references - the Carribean, if possible."

"Mitchell says she's planning to do a runner."

Clare nodded in understanding, "What's Chris up to?"

"He's interviewing scam victims."

“And you?” she looked up from the file and raised an eyebrow.

"Sofia's buying me dinner." he grinned.

Sofia shoved him out of the door and locked it behind him, "The hell I am..." She mouthed the word 'pizza' as she waved Jake away and then turned to sit down. "Let's get started....."
Jake woke up sitting on the floor of the lab and it took a while for him to remember why. He looked around and realised Clare and Greg weren't there and, trying to get up, Jake found he couldn't. He glanced sideways and saw why - Sofia was leaning against his shoulder and hugging his arm. Jake laughed, but panicked when Sofia stirred. That was how Clare found them when she came back with fresh coffee; Sofia was fast asleep and Jake looked absolutely terrified of waking her up.

"Sleep well?" Clare smirked, enjoying the predicament.

Jake gave her a pleading look, "She's gonna kill me...." he whispered.


Jake didn't want to explain, or rather he couldn't. Mostly, he didn't quite know why exactly - but he was convinced that it would be his fault.

"You really need to do something about this," Clare waved a hand at both Jake and Sofia.

"She'll wake up soon."

Clare gave him a withering look.



"It'll work itself out." he shrugged, then muttered a curse as Sofia gripped his arm tighter.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Clare regarded her friend, "You still love her?"

Jake sat silently before letting out a sigh, "Love is a one way street."


"Something my Dad said.... about how you can't stop loving someone because you can never go back."

"She said you'd hooked up...."

"'Hooked up'?"

"Not her words....but I'm guessing that was what all the weirdness has been about."

"She told you about that?...She said it was a mistake."

Clare saw how hurt Jake looked. Something told her that he didn't agree, "Look, Jake....From where I'm sitting?... Nothing's changed. You're two sides of the same coin - you push Sofia and she reins you in, somewhere in the middle you find a level." she saw that she wasn't explaining her point clearly and changed tack, "For example, on a case. You hare off following your instincts and Sofia goes through the information logically; from what I heard about Vegas, she saved your life because she knew what you would do. You saved hers by doing what you do."

"To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage."

"What?" When Jake shrugged it off, Clare continued, "My point is that lately, you haven't been doing what you do," she waved a hand at him, "with your emotions....Both of you have shut them out."

"It's complicated, Clare....Everyone thinks it's easy but it's not. Too much has happened to just pick up where we left off."

"I'm not saying that...I'm saying you need to let her think it through before you can react."

"She's had time...I can't make her think - hell, I can't make her do anything....never could."

She laughed, and then said seriously, "Just don't do anything stupid...like leaving."

Jake looked up and realised that if Clare knew... then Kramer hadn't accepted his resignation, "Pass me that pizza box."


Jake took the proffered box, "Being lectured makes me hungry...."

Sofia shifted as he tucked into cold pepperoni. She needed to get out of here and take Clare's advice: think. She was a little upset that Jake could open up to a friend but wouldn't talk to her, but then that was Jake all over. And when the hell had Clare turned into Dr Phil....?
The team were back in the diner - minus Sofia, who'd given her notes to Jake - to pull all their information together and find out how Julie Auger was planning to skip the country.

"The scam is a doozy - advertise a timeshare on a tropical island - and wait for people to buy a piece. The victims weren't very helpful - the island doesn't even exist." Chris lent back in the booth as he tossed his notebook on the table.

"We didn't find a lot in the files last night. Mostly letters from the victims and the paperwork for getting the mailbox and ads." Greg added.

Jake was shuffling papers, seemingly looking for something in particular. Chris looked at him and shrugged at Greg. Jake muttered, "Tropical island..."

"Say what?" Clare said as she brought the coffee over.

Jake pulled a sheet from the mess he'd made of the files they'd decided to bring, "To whom it may concern, I enclose the visa application forms and hope to receive the details of our trip shortly. We look forward to seeing the property and experiencing island life...."

"Sounds like you, Chris." Greg joked, receiving a dig in the ribs from his colleague.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jake asked.

"Who applied for that visa?" Chris replied.

Jake checked his watch, "Can you guys hit the phones? We need to run all these victims by the airlines and see if the names match."

"Where are you going?" Clare demanded as Jake got up.

"I gotta see a lady about a job." he replied nervously.

Clare smiled and nodded. She assumed he was going to talk to Sofia, given her conspicuous absence at their meeting. Maybe the middle of a case wasn't the best time to do it, but at least he was trying...
The church was newly built and the white stone almost glowed in the afternoon sunshine. Sofia walked up the steps and pushed the heavy oak door open. She saw that the inside was just as impressive as the outside - with beautiful stained windows and ornate statues. The detective was staring at one of the windows when a voice broke her reverie.

"Amazing, aren't they?"

"Must have cost a fortune." Sofia absently replied.

"Anytime you wanna make a donation, feel free." the man chuckled to himself and sat on a seat nearby, "Why are you here, Sofia?"

She joined him on the seat and rested her elbows on her knees, "I need a little guidance, Reverend."

The preacher just nodded and leaned back, he was in his late sixties and reminded Sofia of Colonel Sanders, "I didn't mark you as the religious type.." he drawled.

"Love is a one way street."

"That sounds like something I would say...."

"It was."


"I don't know how to put all this in the past...I want to know how you forgive." She looked up at the older man and her eyes were pleading with him to help her.

"Personally, I don't - I'm a franchise for the Lord...And I'm not sure it's me you should be asking." he answered pointedly.

Sofia spoke after a long pause, "He still loves me."

The reverend turned to face the young detective, "You don't love him?"

Sofia blew out a breath and leaned her head back against the cool stone, "I don't want to."

"Who is he?"

Sofia snapped her head round to look at her companion, "What the..." she caught herself in time, "You know who I'm talking about."

"I want to know who you think he is....What is he to you?"

She thought about it and then relented, "I don't know."

Considering his words carefully, the man replied, "I think you do....you just won't admit it. I can't tell you why..."

"We didn't work out. I don't want to get hurt again - call it self preservation."

"Do you still care for him? I mean, if you met him now, would you ask him out?"

"I'm not saying he's a bad man," she explained hurriedly, "It's just not as simple as saying 'I love you'."

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."

"Do you pluck these riddles out of the air?" she smiled.

"Take it from someone who's been there, done that...Don't hesitate. By the time you decide what you want, it might be too late." Reverend Bob Barret stood and held out a hand, "Jake handed in his resignation - you're not the only one who thinks they made a mistake."

Sofia let Rev. Barret help her up and gave him a questioning look.

"He thinks it's best." he shrugged.

"I need to speak to him." she sighed.

"You need to speak to him."

Sofia hugged the old man and thanked him for his time.

"Don't thank me yet..." he warned as he saw a figure standing by the door.

Sofia looked round and saw Jake approaching. She met him halfway and jammed her hands in her pants pocket.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"What are you doing here?" she said at the same time.

"Clare called - apparently your lab rat thinks he's found Auger."


"I'll show you." Jake rattled his car keys in front of Sofia's face and turned to leave. Sofia hesitated for a moment and then, glancing back at Jake's dad, she followed.
Jake and Sofia were sat in the car watching a small, private airfield on the outskirts of the city. They'd been there for two hours already and there was no sign of their quarry. Sofia decided that now was as good a time as any to talk to Jake. She looked nervously across at the man next to her; Jake was leaning against the window and drumming an unknown rhythm on the wheel.


He looked up at her, "Yeah?"

Sofia lost her nerve, "Nothing....never mind."

Jake shifted in his seat so he was facing his partner, "What?"

Sighing, Sofia went for it, "I don't want you to leave."

"Why would I be leaving?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Cut the crap, Jake! Your dad told me. I thought you were mature enough for us to work together..."

"Excuse me?!"

"Things get rough so you leave...One day you're gonna actually have to deal with your problems." she snapped. Sofia hadn't intended to lose her temper but Jake was stalling her on purpose - it was what he always did when he didn't want to deal with something.

"It's you or me, babe." he smiled mirthlessly, returning to staring out of the window.

"Ignoring things don't make them go away."

Jake made a point of looking anywhere but at Sofia, "I am painfully aware of that."

"Your father almost had me believing I felt the same way, Jake, he really did."

"Same way as what?" Jake indulged Sofia.

"As you, you jackass." Sofia turned to look out of her window.

"Deja vu."


"We've had this argument before - you blame me for everything, I apologise, and then we start fighting all over again. If you can't admit that you're wrong and that you still have feelings for me, then its not my fault..." Jake exploded and then settled back down into his seat.

Sofia stared at him, not believing what had come out of his mouth. She watched as a hand jabbed at the stereo and then heard Jake groan as he recognised the song.

'We can beat around the bushes,
We can get down to the bone,
We can leave it in the parking lot,
But either way, there's gonna be
A heartache tonight, a heartache tonight, I know.'
"What happened?" Clare yelled after Jake as he tore past her in the lab. He looked royally pissed.

Greg was talking to Sofia, who had made Jake brief Chris when they got back from the airfield. Neither of them noticed Jake until he let rip.

"Where is she?"

“Auger?....We're taking another look.” Clare said as she caught up with Jake.

"Make an educated guess, Clare..." he snapped.

"Main airport would be easier to disappear in - high volume of people means security concentrates on terrorists and major drug runners, not con artists."

"Give me a damn PLACE, Clare!"

"HEY!" Sofia stepped in, "Don't take this out on her!"

"LAX." Clare calmly responded, then added, "What the hell crawled up your ass?"

"I just spent three hours trapped in a car with," Sofia had walked out and Jake stuck his head out of the door and yelled at her retreating figure, "THAT WOMAN," To which he received a universal gesture, "because you got it wrong, so don't start getting all sanctimonious on me!"

Kramer appeared in the doorway with a face like thunder, "Calm down! Now!"

Jake was silent but he was still steaming, Clare motioned for Greg to find somewhere else to be and Kramer shut the door behind him.

"I've just about had it up to here," she raised a hand well above her head, "with you fighting with Sofia...Now you're starting with the CSIs?"

"Auger's probably sunning herself on a beach by now because we were sitting in a disused airfield."

"I don't wanna hear it Jake...You're a police officer - show a little professionalism." She then looked at Clare,
"And you...don't encourage him."

"Sofia started it." Jake whined.

"Oh, don't worry....She's not gonna miss out."
"If you see this woman...I need you to detain her and call us immediately on this number." Chris handed the security guard his card and a photo of Julie Auger.

Greg walked towards him with a similar stack of photos, "You think this'll work?"

"Every single one of the victims is booked on a flight today. Julie Auger has to be using one of their identities."

"I was sure Sofia and Jake would be off this one."

Chris looked up at where Jake and Sofia were talking to another guard, "I was sure they'd be on disciplinary action."

"I think Kramer chewed them out pretty good." Greg winced as he said that, still feeling a little guilty that he'd set them on the wild goose chase that caused the row.
"Hey..." Jake grabbed at Sofia's arm to get her attention, "Sof..."

She spun round from talking to a check-in worker, "What, Jake?"

"Look....over there." he nodded towards a woman with long, dark hair and sunglasses.

"Julie Auger is a blond, Jake."

"The tat...look at the tattoo."

Julie Auger had taken great pains to change her appearance, but seemed to have forgotten about the rose tattooed on her right shoulder blade; the tattoo wouldn't have mattered if she'd been wearing a shirt - but she was wearing a strapless dress.

"Go talk to the check in desk - we'll let her check in and get her when she tries to board."

Jake nodded and headed for the desk, Sofia called Chris and explained that they'd sighted the fugitive. Chris, in turn, relayed the information to Greg and they both headed for the boarding lounge from their end of the concourse.
The check-in girl had been more than happy to help Jake in any way she could - which he didn't mind one bit (he'd be the first to admit he was a flirt). Once Julie Auger had gone through, the rest of the passengers experienced the slowest check-in of their lives - reducing the number of people in the boarding lounge for the FRU.

Auger walked towards a row of seats, but then noticed the lack of people; paranoia is most prevalent in the guilty and the rather exposed position she was in seemed to spook her. A quick look around, and then she darted for the emergency exit.

"Dammit!.....She's running!" Sofia yelled into her radio as she took off after the suspect.

Jake jammed his radio in his pocket and caught up quickly, "Right behind you!"

Sofia was glad to know she had back up as she chased a fugitive - less pleased as it barrelled into when she slammed on the brakes....

Jake pushed Sofia away, ready to tackle Auger, but saw that things were already under control, "Well...that was an anticlimax..."

The two detectives had skidded to a halt in the main terminal of the airport after the short chase. Julie Auger was being restrained by Chris, as Greg sat on the floor. He was looking particularly pleased with himself and couldn't stop grinning.

"Chalk one up for the new kids..."

Jake snorted and moved to help Chris with the prisoner. The junior officer was also grinning, "You know what, boss?...I think I got this.."

Sofia was also less than impressed. She held a hand out to Greg and yanked him to his feet, "What the hell was that?"

"I was apprehending a fugitive." He dead-panned, rubbing his elbow.

"You DO NOT take down prisoners, Greg....Do you understand me?"

"Your just sore cos you missed out," he grinned, "the battle-hardened cops are slowing down in their old age."

Sofia smacked him across the back of the head, "Firstly...I'm not old. Secondly....I'm not slowing down....Thirdly..."
There was a bar on the beach that Jake and Sofia had always gone to with Sonny and the rest of the old crew....Now it was time to take their team out there to celebrate a clean run down. Greg and Chris were regaling Clare and Kramer with entirely exaggerated accounts of what had happened whilst Jake and Sofia got them all drinks.

"Just like old times..." Sofia said, watching the barman fix their order.

"Not quite..."

Sofia raised an eyebrow as she turned and leant against the bar, the familiar toothpick making her look like something out of an old black and white movie.

"Are you still made at me?" Jake sounded a little pathetic as he fiddled with a mat.

"I think I'd be worried if I wasn't." she smiled.

"I don't want you to come round tonight." he said as he straightened up.

Both of them were silent as their drinks appeared. Sofia nodded, casual sex with her ex-husband probably wasn't a good idea - even if the last few weeks had been pretty damn good, "Is there a reason?"

Jake quirked an eyebrow, "Friends don't do that."

Sofia knew it wasn't that easy, but he was trying...bless him. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "You are a sweet, clueless man Jake Barret."

She heard him mutter as she walked away, "And I was starting to like you again..."

As he saw the bill, and noticed he was the only one left at the bar, Jake looked over at the table where his friends were laughing while he picked up the tab, "Yeah....Just like old times..."

"City Of Angels" stories are fictional. All original characters from the CBS production "CSI" are copyright to CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer. No profit is made from this project and no copyright infringement is intended.

Bullit Productions Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved